There is a terminator robot in real life, breaking legs but can walk

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There is a terminator robot in real life, breaking legs but can walk

You definitely know the terminator movie terminator robot. But this is a real terminator robot that exist in our world. An engineer has created a robot that is able to keep running mesekipun badly injured his leg. As the animals were able to walk when they are injured body. This is an innovation of the engineers. In an interview by the BBC he mentioned statement.
"This new technique will enable more robust, effective, autonomous robots,"
The robot was created with several goals more different than existing robots in the factory and has a better usability. Inspiration from the movie terminator, robots created for military purposes and to protect humans. Like humans, the robot is able to heal the wound itself and can also attack when threatened.
According to one expert, adaptive robotics. Most robots currently sits in factories and perform very specific functions. The scientists want to get the robot to understand new situations and changes.
"Locomotion is a major challenge," Dr Iida said.
"It's an issue of energy efficiency. Robots are unusually very inefficient compared to animals."
Other companies are also trying to mimic animals, such as Boston Dynamics, which is now owned by Google. It makes a variety of robots, including the internet sensation Big Dog, which can attain locomotion on a variety of different and difficult terrains.Big Dog was funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and Boston Dynamics contracts for the US military - which is an area where the trial-and-error algorithms could be applied, especially to machines injured in warfare.But Dr Iida said that military use was only one aspect of better adaptive robots.
There is a terminator robot in real life, breaking legs but can walk

"There are lots of applications beyond the military," he said. "You can think of robots in extreme environments, so not only in warfare, but in space such as robots on the Moon and Mars, and in nuclear power plants. Think of Fukushima, for example, where humans can't go."
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