Cool math Geometry practice problems and helps

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Cool math Geometry practice problems and helps. Problem pre algebra and algebra 1 we've learned, we've never solve the problem together and also have found the answer. For those of you who have not read it can be viewed in posts Cool math algebra answers for math problems algebra 1 and Cool math pre algebra practice problems and helps. How do you feel after learning a lot about math, happy or bored? must all be answered with the word "bored". But do not despair because we will learn together again

Problem/ Question

  • 3x + y = 3y + 17 = -3x

Solving Problem/ Question

  1. 3x + y - y = 3y - y + 17 = -3x
  2. 3x - 3x = 2 y + 17 = -3x - 3x
  3. 2y + 17 = -9x
 Cool math Geometry practice problems and helps


  • 2y + 17 = -9x
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